225 Open Daily games
0 Open Realtime games

Rating distribution for Ronin-sama


Wed 9th Nov 03:02
Mobs of New York rated  Average
I thought this board was pretty good. Some interesting shaped continents and pathways. Some places were so small that it was hard to tell who was occupying them. Pretty small unit count.

3 teams of two players each made for good back-and-forth dynamics.
#4 of 4
Fri 28th Oct 22:58
Fun board. The huge number of units and the Temple mechanic make it very interesting. Glad the cards reset and don't go up infinitely. Lots of back & forth -- hard to predict. Good board.
#3 of 4
Tue 18th Oct 15:35
Feudal Japan rated  Good
Really enjoyed the board. Interesting balance of places to attack. Stagnation brought on some very interesting and amusing by-play among players. Smack talking enhanced the game. Nice that it's not easy for one player to start steamrolling & just run away with it.
#2 of 4
Tue 31st May 19:50
There Can Be Only One rated  Terrible
Unbalanced. Very little chance of coming back once any advantage is gained. Interesting concept, but implementation makes the gameplay very limited.
#1 of 4